Saturday, January 24, 2009

Semi-OT: An MGM short with the studio's orchestra playing a certian firefighting piece

The tune that the MGM Orchestra is playing is the same tune played throughout GABBY's "Fire Cheese" and the Famous Studios Screen Song sequel, "The Big Flame-Up" (minus the sing-along number), plus cartoons from various other studios as well. But to PD video fans, it's those two Paramount cartoons that the tune is well-known.

This tune is "The Merry Wives of Windsor Overture", not an execrpt of "The Merry Widow", as Fleischer/Disney historian Ray Pointer said it was an execrpt of "The Merry Widow". But it's not.

And oh, if you want to see the two- this post was going to be devoted to the MGM live-action short posted above but however....